Wednesday 2 April 2014

On Making Some Introductions

Hello. I'm Blindheight.

What's this?

I am frequently assailed by all sorts of interesting things, and can't quite shake the idea that the resulting thoughts might be interesting for other people to look at. So here you are: The Subtext.

Who are you?

I'm a linguist by training and a musician by interest, and find a lot of ground common between them. This will probably become apparent. I come from round Yorkshire (in the North of England), have had a fairly Classical education, and don't see why the two should be mutually exclusive.

Who are you writing for?

People who are interested in things. (I briefly considered calling the blog The Importance of Being Interested, but that's a bit much even for me...) More practically, I'll be trying to pitch at about the level of the interested lay-person: if I use a specialist term/concept I'll usually gloss it and/or link to something explanatory.

So you're writing for beginners?

Not just beginners  I want this stuff (hopefully) to be accessible and interesting at all levels. If you already know about a thing I've glossed, feel free to skip that section. (And if I've got it wrong I'd be really grateful if you could let me know!)

How often are you claiming to update?

Be surprised if I publish more than one thing in a week. Don't hold it against me if it's much less. Feel free to disagree with me in the comments, though I reserve the right to moderate with a fair amount of prejudice.

So may I introduce to you/The one and only...

What, you're not going to finish that reference? Typical.

We hope you will enjoy the show...

(First up, why I support reading ambitiously.)

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